Roland / Imob

Roland (Lord of Lochaber), 1999 MultiMedia Verlag Germany – Head of graphic department for adult Video/DVD content, 2003 Sexyhouse B.V. Netherlands – Founding one of the first Porn DVD online Shop in Europe – SEO for pornsites, 2006 FutureJam B.V Netherlands – VOD membersites for european niche porn sites – Affiliate with traffic for serveral international porn sites 2012 Imob – Adult Webmaster with more than 100 porntubes worldwide, 2015 Imob Traffic Ltd. – CEO and founder, attending many adult expos worldwide
Company: Imob Traffic Ltd.
Imob Traffic Ltd. was found in 2015 and is placed in beautiful Ireland. We are the owners of more than 150 adult websites, buy and sell traffic and are specialised in extreme nische traffic for DACH.